Category Archives: French Quarters

Improve your travel photography/advice from a photojournalist


My very favorite thing to photograph is travel/street photography. Especially when I see a place for the very first time.Being a “people” photographer No place on earth inspires me more than New Orleans.To me its the people that make the place!


  My best advice.:
1) use a lens that cane do both wide angel and zoom.Invest in a camera backpack,limit the amount of equipment. Its NOT the equipment that capture the moment,its you.
2) Do not walk around alone.
3) Be fearless,go off the beaten path.While visiting New Orleans I went to the ninth ward. There is a magical place  called “musicians Village” that is were I met David
4) DO NOT go on a guided tour
5) Talk to people,get up close and personal
6) Street musicians are a good place to start,they never mind if you are talking their photo.
7)Pay attention to detail
8) think outside of the box,try interesting views,different angels and perspectives
9 ) Go out with your camera in the magic hour right after the sun comes up,right before the sun sets.After the rain,photograph reflections in puddles,take advantage of overcast light,makes colors pop and skin tones, even. Twilight immediately after the sun sets for night scenes.
10)Try to stay in the center of town,I shot this one from my balcony at three in the morning.
11)Most of all, let the story unfold before you,enjoy the adventure.Its like when I photograph a wedding I dont think about it and put pressure on myself,the story unfolds before me, I am there to tell the story

What is it about Murals?/

Being an artist in paint and a photographer, I love to combine both by using murals as a backdrop for my clients. I have spotted some amazing murals in Fl,New Orleans, North Carolina.Everywhere I travel am looking for them,sometimes,they find me !! I am driving around a new place and just get lucky and of course have to stop the car and admire this amazing huge canvas. Wish I knew who the artist were,thank you mural artists for making this world a bit more interesting and colorful!

Some of my favorites…enjoy!

New Orleans mural  New Orleans mural 2

One of my favorites I came across this mural in New Orleans.


Made a perfect backdrop for the bride before her ceremony and for a primal scream session!

 lower 9th ward mural New Orleans_JMP7396

The one above found me near the ninth ward in New Orleans

 mural near Asheville

Driving somewhere near Asheville N.C had to pull over!!

 engagment session in West Palm beach

While on an engagement shoot in West Palm beach,I got lucky!

 New Orleans mural 3

New Orleans course, one of my favorite places to spot murals they are everywhere!

 new Orleans mural 5

Uptown New Orleans

 New Orleans mural 7

I want to live here! Another cool find in New Orleans

  gay for pay

yes you guessed it,New Orleans


And the famous Villaobos from Pitbulls and Parolees